Quote of the Month - December

There are two people in every photograph: the photographer and the viewer. - Ansel Adams

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 6

Emily - With the end of a semester approaching and exams in only a few weeks, my work load is slowly growing. I have final projects and big tests coming up and my planner is becoming more full with events and projects. Here come two big weeks of work. yay
Jeanine - this is my interpretation of the Leonard Cohen quote...
"Everything has cracks in it.  It's how the light gets in."

I called it "All It's Cracked Up to Be."

I work in the Criminal Justice System.  Even with all it's flaws, it is a place that sheds light on injustice, inequality, poverty, addictions and mental health issues (to name only a few).  I am proud to be a part of it.

1 comment:

  1. Jeanine - you asked me a question on my image in the Picture Winter class; figured I'd answer it here so I'm sure you see it :) The blurred edges around the edges is called a vignette; Tracey has a wonderful blog post about it here: http://shuttersisters.com/home/2009/5/26/the-art-of-the-vignette.html

    You don't need fancy software or anything; I use picnik (on www.picnik.com or via flickr), a free software programme where you can add a vignette with just one click. Good luck! :)
