Quote of the Month - December

There are two people in every photograph: the photographer and the viewer. - Ansel Adams

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 102

Emily - So for the past few days I've been doing some hardcore volunteering, why? Well lets just say it's not all for the joy of helping someone else. I'm in a competition at my youth group to get the most volunteer hours over the next three weeks. Whoever wins gets a popcorn machine. Anyways, onto the egg story. I was volunteer babysitting for a family and the two girls found a birds egg. We couldn't tell if it was real or not though. So we made a little habitat for it in a tuber-ware, it was so cute to see them make it. The only stupid part though was I forgot to take a picture of it -_- So this is my representation of it instead :)

Jeanine - "Path of Honour"

I had the pleasure of speaking once again at the Ontario Police College today.  On the grounds of the college is this path lined with trees.  Each tree represents a police officer killed in the line of duty...

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