Quote of the Month - December

There are two people in every photograph: the photographer and the viewer. - Ansel Adams

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 138

Emily - The Lion King is probably my favourite musical of all time. I've seen it twice in Toronto now and it was great both times!   I love the beginning scene where all the animals come out to pride rock. I went with my school and a few of my friends and we had a fantastic time.

Jeanine - "Dandelion"

I was inspired to take this shot by all the great photos of dandelions in my class.  You will likely see more of them from me.  I like the graphic look of them - and the soft whispy-ness too.  I like this one that was half blown away already...off to make new dandelions somewhere.  This shot was taken in the flower bed just outside the courthouse.

1 comment:

  1. on the first day, there was green grass as far as the eye could see
    on the second day, the fields were as yellow as the sun could be
    on the third day, there was a white whispy-ness up to my knee

    pretty good, huh?
