Quote of the Month - December

There are two people in every photograph: the photographer and the viewer. - Ansel Adams

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Day 360 - only 5 days to go!

Jeanine - "It's Snowing!

I know it isn't the first snow of the season - but I like it whenever it snows!  I hope I always do.  This was shot in a friend's backyard today...during a scrapbook session!  Trying to keep up on my scrapbook about this blog as the year goes along.  Can't believe the year is almost finished.  Only 5 more photos to take...because I'm running out of time - let me share the other two I took today...snow on hydrangea and rose of sharon.


  1. i will be sad when this is done....i have really enjoyed your photographs.
