Quote of the Month - December

There are two people in every photograph: the photographer and the viewer. - Ansel Adams

Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 298

Jeanine - "Back in the Day"

I travelled to Oshawa today to give a lecture to a group of police officers.  I lived in Oshawa from 1980 to 1987 - so I decided to take the opportunity to take some photos of places that influenced my life back in the day.  My dad was the minister at Hillsdale Wesleyan Church (top photo) and we lived in the parsonage right next door.  The youth group at this church comprised my circle of friends.

I attended O'Neill Collegiate and Vocational Institute (second photo) from grade 10 thru grade 13  -- graduating in 1984.  It was here that I took a law class in grade 12 and decided to become a lawyer.

The first lawyer I ever worked for was Joe Neal.  He took a chance on me when I was still in undergrad and provided me with the opportunity to figure out if the practice of law was for me.  It was in this building (third photo) that I figured out I could do this law thing.  I will be forever grateful to him for that.  OK that - and the car he loaned me while I worked for him - awesome!  BTW - check out Big Huge Labs online for all the wonderful things you can do with photos - like creating this combo.

1 comment:

  1. Emily, have you given up? Your contributions are missed.
