Quote of the Month - December
There are two people in every photograph: the photographer and the viewer. - Ansel Adams
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Day 120
Emily - On our way home from the Farmers Market we saw a few deer on the side of the road. After going to Starbucks we came back to take a few shots. (A little different then the one my mom took of a dead one)
Jeanine - "Robin Egg Blue"
Got grief from my girlfriends about the dead deer photo (see Day 115), so today I was looking for something pretty to photograph. Ian was about to take a chain saw to a tree in our front yard when he discovered a robin's nest high in the branches - so the tree lives for now. He discovered another nest in a different tree and told me he had the perfect photo for me today. He was right. He later found a garter snake in our back yard. Aaahhh Spring!
Friday, April 29, 2011
Day 119
Emily - It all paid off! I won the popcorn machine for all the volunteering I did! I was going to try and take a picture that represented the wedding but of course I wouldn't be able to take a picture of something on the tv :p
Jeanine - "Royal Wedding Worthy?"
In honour of the Royal Wedding today I dug out my two fancy hats...and wore them while watching the wedding this morning. Yes, we got up at 5 a.m. to watch. And yes...I do believe in fairy tales and happy endings. I just wish we had the opportunity to wear hats more often. I love hats!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Day 118 -
Emily - In the class I have been volunteering in, they've been making geometric shape pictures and have been using crayons to colour with them. You have no idea how many crayons I have had to pick up.
Jeanine - "Canada Goose"
Believe it or not - this photograph was taken this morning across the street from my downtown office...blocks from the river. He or she was still there when I came back to the office at lunch time. I had the sense he/she was waiting for a partner or child and wasn't leaving until they came back. It was astounding to see really...standing guard on the sidewalk of a busy street between an office building and a parking lot. I particularly love how this photo shows the water beading on the downy feathers.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Day 117
Emily - Because I have been volunteering up the wazoo the past three weeks so I can win a popcorn machine at my youth group, I've been going everyday after school to the music and art classroom at Clara Brenton Public School. Going into the classroom each day reminds me of times when I sat on the carpet and listened to the teacher, or when I did simple art projects like colouring a page different colours.
Jeanine - "Where the Judge Sits"
As part of this year-in-photos project, I am trying to photograph most - if not all - of the courthouses I appear in. This is Woodstock...my view from the podium where I speak. I was there this afternoon. I like this courtroom because there are huge windows on each side...you can watch the day go by while you work. In London - no courtroom has windows. I hate that.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Day 116
Emily - "Photo Booth"
Playing around with photo booth on our mac today and took this photo of my disney shirt I got on my vacation. I really like the different coloured mickeys.
Ps - I only named the photo to do a play on words with my moms photo :P
Jeanine - "Phone Booth"
Perhaps it is thoughts of the Royal Wedding this Friday that drew me to this old fashioned - somewhat British looking - phone booth. This can be found on the drive to or from St Thomas if you go the Lambeth way. And yes, I am getting up to watch the wedding...just like I did for Diana's!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Day 115
Emily - To end the long weekend we spend a night at Great Wolf Lodge. Very fun! It was really rainy so good thing the huge waterpark is indoors :)
Jeanine - "Stuffed"
I can totally relate to these wild turkeys with their back to the food - totally stuffed after eating our way through Easter weekend! ha! Our theory is that this young deer was hit by a car crossing the nearby road but managed to walk wounded before collapsing in this field.
Day 114
Emily - Happy Easter! This morning we had a very organized Easter egg hunt. Each of us had our own colours to look for. I think this pictures funny because my grandma has left her christmas decorations up and we hid an easter egg in it.
Jeanine - "Tom Thomson"
On our way home from church Easter Sunday we stopped at a cemetery that held the gravesite of Tom Thomson - one of the artists in the Group of Seven. This is a shot of the top of the tombstone. Visitors left money, earrings, stones, keys and a peace bracelet...even around the base of the stone...which read -- Tom Thomson - Landscape Painter - Drowned in Canoe Lake July 8, 1917 - Aged 39 Years, 11 months and 3 days.
Day 113
Emily - Twas the night before Easter, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring not even a rabbit? These are the cute little baskets that were left out the night before for us to do our Easter egg hunt at my Grandmas.
Jeanine - "Birdhouse at the Trailerhome"
On our way to Owen Sound this weekend we stopped by the trailer to drop off a load of stuff and rake some leaves. I took some time to shoot too. This is the birdhouse on the lot belonging to our next door neighbours...Don and Milly. We are lucky to have a place to get away to - and luckier still to be surrounded by good neighbours. Bring on the summer!!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Day 112
Jeanine - "Organized!"
It is that time of year again...time for spring cleaning! I tidied up our scrapbook nook today and organized my photos. It felt good to complete this long overdue project. We've been working hard to purge our closets, clean our bedrooms and tidy our drawers. Cher helped us by organizing our seasonal closet. Less sometimes really is more!
It is that time of year again...time for spring cleaning! I tidied up our scrapbook nook today and organized my photos. It felt good to complete this long overdue project. We've been working hard to purge our closets, clean our bedrooms and tidy our drawers. Cher helped us by organizing our seasonal closet. Less sometimes really is more!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Day 111
Emily - The little display that's in our front hallway. I don't understand why it's there or how we got it, but it's there so it's worth being photographed.
Jeanine - "Caesar Cornucopia"
Slim pickins for photo choice today. Had lunch with my staff at TRU restaurant...celebrating Melissa's first home purchase and Cindy coming back to work after hurting her back. I couldn't do what I do without them. They make me better than I really am. Couldn't believe all the stuff in our caesars today...onion, pickle, olive and lemon. Loved the yellow rim salt too. Yummy!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Day 110
Emily- Gross, but a well deserved photo of the consumed cheesecake my friend brought in for out french potluck.
Jeanine - "Smudging"
My friends, Anna and Peter, were sworn in today as Justices of the Peace. As part of the ceremony, Anna's aunt said a native prayer and participated in a smudging with Anna. It was a lovely addition to the traditional swearing in ceremony. It was a delight to be a part of their special day.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Day 109
Emily - Never really liked showers. I realize they are important but they take away from my evenings. And don't even ask me to shower in the morning because then I'll just look at you like you're crazy.
Jeanine - "Homeless"
Driving to work today I was thinking about spring cleaning and purging stuff when I came upon this sight and was struck by the fact that he was laying there with all of his worldly possessions in a grocery cart. It got me thinking about our "need" for stuff and the "needy"...let's just say I had an uncomfortable day. I felt a little uncomfortable taking this photo (and about 10 others like it)...but it really spoke to me so I tried to do it as surreptitiously as I could. At the end of the day...he was still there - awake and organizing his stuff. I'm not kidding.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Day 108
Emily - I usually enhance the brightness and boost the colour of my photos so today as I had a photo shoot with the absolute randomness my room has to offer I tried to go for a more darker shot. Peace.
Jeanine - "If a tree falls in the forest...?"
It snowed AGAIN today - April 18th for goodness sake! I've had it. I can say for sure that if it snows on fallen trees in the forest again this month someone will hear me scream!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Day 107
Emily - "Looking through bars"
Had a great weekend with Heather :) After we got home from dropping her off I walked upstairs to my room and noticed that the railings on the stairs would make for an excellent photo. Also goes with the prompt of pure randomness :p
"Jeanine - "Falling off the Wagon"
This wagon of dog houses caught my eye as we drove back and forth between the manor and shopping in Port Huron this weekend. I finally stopped today and took some photos. I like this one cuz it looks like the house on the end is going to fall off. The guy who built them said they sold for between $40 and $140...I guess he got a good chuckle out of my taking so many photographs.
Day 106
*Sorry I can't put the photo up*
Emily - I think this is the funniest picture I've eve taken. Heather and I were babysitting and well... the kids had a gun :p lol. They had a fake one that looked very realistic and we were playing with it.
Jeanine - "Memories Manor"
This is it - heaven on earth. One of my photography classes had me playing with angle this week - hence this shot.
Day 105
Emily - Going to be a fantastic weekend because my BFFLAAT is staying over for the entire weekend while her parents are out of town :D I am very excited! Btw this is the awesome quilt she made because she's so talented!
Jeanine - "The Reading Nook"
This is a shot of the reading nook at the end of the upstairs hall at Memories Manor. No one reads here - we are too busy scrapping, eating, sleeping and shopping - but it is a beautiful spot. I practiced working with light by shooting it at different times of day.
Jeanine - "The Reading Nook"
This is a shot of the reading nook at the end of the upstairs hall at Memories Manor. No one reads here - we are too busy scrapping, eating, sleeping and shopping - but it is a beautiful spot. I practiced working with light by shooting it at different times of day.
Day 104
Jeanine - "Heaven on Earth"
This was a girl's weekend for me - spent scrapbooking at Memories Manor in St. Clair, Michigan. They spoil us there...it is truly a little piece of heaven on earth.
Emily - To go with the reflection prompt this week I took a picture of myself through the sunglasses of my friend Maddy. I really like this one! I'm not exactly sure why though.
This was a girl's weekend for me - spent scrapbooking at Memories Manor in St. Clair, Michigan. They spoil us there...it is truly a little piece of heaven on earth.
Emily - To go with the reflection prompt this week I took a picture of myself through the sunglasses of my friend Maddy. I really like this one! I'm not exactly sure why though.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Day 103
Emily - One of the huge differences between me and my mom is that I like stuff to be everywhere when she prefers... white space (Bleh!) This is my wonderful bulletin board. Theres so much stuff on it that you can't even see most of it, ha!
Jeanine - "Two Heads Are Better Than One"
Driving to Stratford this morning I saw the cutest little ...???...not sure what they were...so on the way home I stopped for a photo session. I also captured a shot of a mare nursing her foal on a nearby horse farm. It was a beautiful day for a drive.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Day 102
Emily - So for the past few days I've been doing some hardcore volunteering, why? Well lets just say it's not all for the joy of helping someone else. I'm in a competition at my youth group to get the most volunteer hours over the next three weeks. Whoever wins gets a popcorn machine. Anyways, onto the egg story. I was volunteer babysitting for a family and the two girls found a birds egg. We couldn't tell if it was real or not though. So we made a little habitat for it in a tuber-ware, it was so cute to see them make it. The only stupid part though was I forgot to take a picture of it -_- So this is my representation of it instead :)
Jeanine - "Path of Honour"
I had the pleasure of speaking once again at the Ontario Police College today. On the grounds of the college is this path lined with trees. Each tree represents a police officer killed in the line of duty...
Monday, April 11, 2011
Day 101
Emily - To go along with the theme of the home. I took a picture of the street sign on the corner of our lawn. I really like having the house on the corner because it shows more than just one side of our house. In fact you can see three because our fence is very low.
Jeanine - "Front Door - Spring"
On the recommendation of my friend Jane, we went to the farmer's market at the Western Fairground this Saturday. We had fun looking at all the different food items and other wares...and yes, eating. We saw lots of people that we knew too - I love that London is really just a big small town. It is a great adventure for a Saturday morning. The pussy willows by our front door were purchased at the market.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Day 100! YIPPEE!!! OR AS EM SAID ...WAHOO!!!
Emily - Went to the Globetrotters game today and got to see Flight Time! If you watch the amazing race he's the smaller globetrotter. Anyways I took about a million shots of him because I thought it was so cool to see someone on the show I love so much.
Jeanine - "Gateway to Discovery"
I cannot believe we have taken a photo everyday for 100 days! Yay us! I'm so proud of Em for sticking to it. Anyway - one of the best things about this project is that it causes you to really look at the world you live in. Take this great stone fence and iron gate for example ... I drive by it everyday and never really saw it until last week. I took some time today to photograph it. A lovely elderly couple who lived nearby stopped to chat with me and tell me about the history of the place...what a nice way to spend a chunk of a sunny and warm spring afternoon. I love what photography has brought to my life and my relationship with Emily.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Day 99
Emily - "The Other Eye"
I like this eye better than my last. The other one was softer and not as sharp but this one really POPS!
Jeanine - "Spring Has Sprouted"
Okay - maybe my announcing it had arrived already was premature, but I'm obsessed with all things Spring. Today was a beautiful spring day. Ian was doing yard work when he spotted these sprouts in the grass and called me to see...he knew I would want to photograph them. He knows I'm obsessed with all things photography - ha!
Friday, April 8, 2011
Day 98
Emily - Went shopping today with my friend Elizabeth and bought this pretty shirt. I really like it and decided that it would be a good shot for today. I tried to use the shirt to say love is louder but those shots kind of failed :s
Jeanine - "Komoka"
Now that winter's over (at least it better be), my friend, Karen, and I reconnected today and went for a walk in the woods. We like to do that on Friday mornings when our schedules permit. I am learning about using natural light in my photography class this week and I love how the light is so soft in the background of this shot.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Day 97
Emily - Today in my food and nutrition class (basically home-ec) Jesslyn and I made a delicious puffed oven pancake. It was so good! It was extremely easy to make (I can give you the recipe if you ask) and was very cool to make. The pancake part baked into a bowl shape and then we put fresh fruit and melted orange marmalade in the middle! I'm very happy I took this class
Jeanine - "Good to the Last Drop"
This is the last can of olive oil from the olive tree in Italy I adopted for Ian as a gift for his birthday two and a half years ago. It was excellent olive oil and they send you a ton of it - even flavours like lemon, thyme and chile. There is a book about the olive grove - The Dolce Vita Diaries. You too can adopt a tree if you go to the Nudo website. You can even go visit your adopted tree if you like.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Day 96
Emily - Today me and my friends had a sherlock holmes marathon. I had lots of fun just hanging out with them. I ended up taking this silly picture of Heather and I find her facial expression just priceless :D
Jeanine - "Tulip in the Snow"
April 6/11 - snowing this morning! What happened to spring? Heard on the radio it may be 18 degrees this weekend - so hope springs eternal. That's what this photo is about...hope for spring.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Day 95
Emily - So happy to see the sun come out today! It was so beautiful out and it was a nice break from the rain. I was walking out of my guitar lesson and the sun was just low enough to take a good picture. Oh how I love how late the sun is out.
Jeanine - "Stairway to Nowhere"
Emily had her guitar lesson tonight so I snuck down to Springbank Park to take some pictures. I came upon this set of stairs that led to nowhere in particular. It was a nice way to while away 30 minutes.
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