Emily - So this is maddy, one of my best friends. Today was red feather (a big football game where you dress up in school colours) and it was pretty cold out. So some of us had hot chocolate. When Maddy finished hers with started throwing it in the air and I got this sweet shot. BTW we lost the game.
Jeanine - "Human Fly on the Wall"
This afternoon I drove by One London Place - a local office tower where I once worked - and I saw people repelling down the side of this 24 storey building to raise money for United Way. My class prompt this week is called "Fly on the Wall" and allows us to document what's on our walls...see yesterday's photo too!
Quote of the Month - December
There are two people in every photograph: the photographer and the viewer. - Ansel Adams
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Day 271
Emily - This is the flower the people who work at the grand gave me and all the other production crew. It's a little old now but my mom going to see my show reminded me of it.
Jeanine - "So Proud"
Went to see Footloose tonight...the High School Project at the Grand Theatre. Emily...as you may know...was the photographer for the project. She took all the head shots in the program and hundreds of other shots along the way. Some of her work is showcased on the top floor of the theatre for all to see. I am so proud of her...and all the kids involved in the project. So refreshing to see kids involved in a positive undertaking like this. I know kids across the city are involved in great things everyday...but sometimes it just feels like we only hear about the negative stories. This is a feel good story for sure. There are some amazing kids in London.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Day 270
Emily - I brought my moms camera to rehearsal today, I love the market, there's so much to see and try and eat. Plus the upstairs is where my theatre is where I do my plays. There's a little platform area between the theatre and the rehearsal hall. There's a few benches, two pop machines and this gumball machine. (It's amazing to ever find it full)
Jeanine - "Dinnertime Fun"
Em and I went out for dinner tonight after doing errands and before her rehearsal. We played hangman and doodled while waiting for our food. How fun!
Jeanine - "Dinnertime Fun"
Em and I went out for dinner tonight after doing errands and before her rehearsal. We played hangman and doodled while waiting for our food. How fun!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Day 269
Emily - Kind of an odd photo but after a day of sitting on the couch, I thought I'd take a picture of it :)
Jeanine "Fly Porter"
We flew Porter Airlines to Ottawa for our getaway weekend at Montebello, Quebec. We attended the National Police Memorial Ceremony on Parliament Hill Sunday and I lectured police officers attending an Ontario Police College Course at Algonquin College in Ottawa on Monday. I enjoyed the Porter lounge in Toronto (Island Airport) and Ottawa.
Jeanine "Fly Porter"
We flew Porter Airlines to Ottawa for our getaway weekend at Montebello, Quebec. We attended the National Police Memorial Ceremony on Parliament Hill Sunday and I lectured police officers attending an Ontario Police College Course at Algonquin College in Ottawa on Monday. I enjoyed the Porter lounge in Toronto (Island Airport) and Ottawa.
Day 268
Jeanine - "My Hero"
On Sunday we attended the National Police Memorial Ceremony in Ottawa commemorating the officers who lost their lives in the line of duty this year. Police officers from across the country and the US came to pay their respects. It was very moving. I am grateful for their service and I am grateful to know and love my hero who has served almost 30 years.
On Sunday we attended the National Police Memorial Ceremony in Ottawa commemorating the officers who lost their lives in the line of duty this year. Police officers from across the country and the US came to pay their respects. It was very moving. I am grateful for their service and I am grateful to know and love my hero who has served almost 30 years.
Day 267
Jeanine - "Peek-a-boo"
I took 600 shots this weekend...including tons of gorgeous shots of Montebello and the grounds along the the Ottawa River in Quebec. This is one of my favourites though...we had so much fun. You can see from the colours in the background that the fall colours have really started there...it was really beautiful.
I took 600 shots this weekend...including tons of gorgeous shots of Montebello and the grounds along the the Ottawa River in Quebec. This is one of my favourites though...we had so much fun. You can see from the colours in the background that the fall colours have really started there...it was really beautiful.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Day 266
Jeanine - "Movie Star?"
This is as close to starring in a move as I will ever get. My friend Tammy and I volunteered (with 58 other women over the last 3 days) to appear in a video that will be shown at the upcoming Tribute Dinner put on by St. Joseph's Hospital. The video highlights the great work being done by St. Joseph's for women's breast health. Today was my shoot. It was very fun - and they let me take a picture of them shooting me. All for a good cause.
This is as close to starring in a move as I will ever get. My friend Tammy and I volunteered (with 58 other women over the last 3 days) to appear in a video that will be shown at the upcoming Tribute Dinner put on by St. Joseph's Hospital. The video highlights the great work being done by St. Joseph's for women's breast health. Today was my shoot. It was very fun - and they let me take a picture of them shooting me. All for a good cause.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Jeanine - "Countdown!!"
100 days and counting.
100 days until Emily and I complete our 365 Project.
100 days until Ian retires.
Ian found this cool countdown clock today online at timeanddate.com
100 days and counting.
100 days until Emily and I complete our 365 Project.
100 days until Ian retires.
Ian found this cool countdown clock today online at timeanddate.com
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Day 264

Emily - Well here they are. My spectacles hahahaha. I never really imagined my self with them but I like them a lot. Plus ya know.. I can see better :)
Jeanine - "Postcard Worthy"
I love this little shack at the corner of Southdale and Colonel Talbot Road. It looks so good in the field of golden rod at this time of year. And with a little help from a texture it is postcard worthy...kinda looks like you've stepped back in time.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Day 263
Emily - Ahh the sunflower, my favourite type of flower. I used the flash today, something I never thought I'd do and now I've done two photos with flash (woe is me).
Jeanine - "Delicious Autumn"
Fall has arrived...cooler temps and all. I love this time of year. I love living in a place that has the change of seasons. Goes along with my "change is good" attitude. And I especially love the mini pumpkins and gourds that you see everywhere right about now. And oh yes...I love pumpkin pie!
I love Em's photo above - looks like it is on fire!
Jeanine - "Delicious Autumn"
Fall has arrived...cooler temps and all. I love this time of year. I love living in a place that has the change of seasons. Goes along with my "change is good" attitude. And I especially love the mini pumpkins and gourds that you see everywhere right about now. And oh yes...I love pumpkin pie!
I love Em's photo above - looks like it is on fire!
Day 262
Emily - Today I made cookies before my mom came home. They turned out... ok. Hahaha, I love to bake though, its so fun to make stuff.
Jeanine - "361 University Avenue"
Today I was in Toronto for the sentencing of a client. I don't often go there for trials or guilty pleas...I usually go to argue appeals. This is a shot of the Superior Court at 361 University Avenue in Toronto where I appeared today. The Court of Appeal is the stately building behind the water fountain. I really like the sculpture of the the jury forming the courthouse. After court I went art supply shopping!
Jeanine - "361 University Avenue"
Today I was in Toronto for the sentencing of a client. I don't often go there for trials or guilty pleas...I usually go to argue appeals. This is a shot of the Superior Court at 361 University Avenue in Toronto where I appeared today. The Court of Appeal is the stately building behind the water fountain. I really like the sculpture of the the jury forming the courthouse. After court I went art supply shopping!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Day 261

Emily - Whooooo... scary ghost. Hahaahah wondering how I did this photo? Well a magician (or photographer) never reveals her secrets. But I'll give you a hint, I didn't edit it at all.
Jeanine - "Hens and Chicks"
We spent some time yesterday cleaning up the garden -- trimming back the shrubs, cutting the perennials and covering the whole thing with mulch. These hearty hens and chicks always amaze me. They grow in rock crevices and through all kinds of weather. I love their graphic shape and rich colour.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Day 260
Emily - So today was Heathers sixteenth birthday party. You'd think I'd put a picture of heather up or of one of the minute to win it games but no... I put up a picture of the wonderful cups Heather had at her party. They're nose cups and they're so funny, we took a picture of everyone with theirs... this one just happens to be the funniest.
Jeanine - "Art in the Park"
I had no idea this sculpture existed in London until today. It is in the park across the street (York) from Michael's on the Thames - and very much south of the splash pad. Em and I saw it as we were driving her to the Grand Theatre. Our class prompt this week is "Hands On" - so I went back and took a few shots. I couldn't find a plaque or anything that would tell me who the artist is or what it is called or when it went up.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Day 259

Emily - I love bowling! Especially with my friends. Today was Heathers 16th birthday and we had an awesome time. I decorated her locker, took her out for lunch with all our friends then we went to youth group and bowled. I love the glow in the dark effects.
Jeanine - "Framed Fence"
We live just around the corner from an apple orchard. I stopped to take some pictures there today, but was distracted by the fence and seed pods that surrounded the place. I have been trying to figure out how to add frames to my photos for awhile now. Thank goodness for the wonderful women in my on-line class who inspire me and teach me so much. It is amazing how many free textures and frames are available on the internet.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Day 258

Emily - Today I went to my friends riding lesson before we watched the big brother season finale (can't believe rachel won). This was the horse she rode and the picture kinda looks like the poster for the play warhorse. (If you don't know what that is it just won like 6 tonys).
Jeanine - "Rainclouds and Sunshine"
It was a weird weather day today. Sun and rain and sun and rain and sun...and oh so cold! It really felt like fall today. Time to pull the sweaters out!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Day 257
Emily - I love this little book stop on our book shelf. There's also a z one hahaah. I know I took a picture of the book shelf before but it's just one of those days.
Jeanine - "Help Wanted"
Our dysfunctional back entrance/laundry room lacks space. There are too many shoes by the door. Not enough places to hang coats and little or no storage for hats, mitts etc. The countertop just gets buried with stuff. We've had it! We need professional help!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Day 256

Emily - My favourite bottle of perfume. Its still that full and yet I've had it for 3 years... yup.
Jeanine - "Sweet Dreams"
I gotta admit...as we get closer to the "only 100 days left to go" mark...it is harder and harder somedays to come up with a photo. This is especially true on those hectic days filled with court and meetings and errands. Tonight, at 11:35, I sent my final written submissions to the judge and crown for their review before the judge charges the jury in the morning. It was then that I realized I still didn't have a photo...this is the result. Goodnight everyone...sweet dreams.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Day 255

Emily - This is one of my favourite things I get at christmas. This is a calendar that my BFFLAATS mom makes every year. Its so awesome to see it each year and It's so exciting to get to open it!
Jeanine - "It's [my] real thing"
Anyone who knows me knows I have a thing about diet coke (ok...and coffee!). "Hi, my name's Jeanine, and I'm a caffeine-aholic!" What would my year-long blog be without a shot of half of my caffeine addiction?
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Day 254
Jeanine - "9/11"
Taking the backroads to/from our trailer we often see the amish/mennonite's travelling by horse and buggy. Today especially, having watched the 9/11 memorial service in NYC, it struck me that there might be something to their simpler and peaceful lifestyle. I know for sure they were in church today. While I am always curious to know more about them...today I am wondering what they think of the rest of us and the messes we get ourselves into...
Taking the backroads to/from our trailer we often see the amish/mennonite's travelling by horse and buggy. Today especially, having watched the 9/11 memorial service in NYC, it struck me that there might be something to their simpler and peaceful lifestyle. I know for sure they were in church today. While I am always curious to know more about them...today I am wondering what they think of the rest of us and the messes we get ourselves into...
Day 253
Emily - Today my friends and I filmed the last part of the movie I'm making for Heather (I haven't posted this yet cause I finally gave it to Heather, she loved it). We had a lot of fun and finally finished.
Jeanine - "Catch and Release"
We renamed the boat! Friends of ours have nicknamed us "Catch and Release" (Catch for Ian the cop and Release for Jeanine the criminal defence lawyer) and we thought it was a great name for a boat...especially when Ian puts down-riggers on it for fishing. My feet are on the swim platform of the boat. While we were there Saturday, two navy frigates came into the Owen Sound Harbour to be on display and give tours for a couple of days. I also discovered that the woman on the boat next to ours is an avid scrapbooker!!
Day 252
Emily - Today was the first day back to youth group, usually I go sometime in the summer but I was so busy this year that I didn't get a chance. So happy to be back :)
Jeanine - "I'm Lovin' It!"
We got away later than usual for our usual Friday trip to the trailer. By the time we got to Exeter, where we make the traditional McDonald's stop, it was already dark. A reminder that the days are ending earlier, summer is coming to a close, and our Friday night treats are numbered.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Day 251
Emily - Today I had not one but TWO photography jobs. I went to the grand first then went to my school to take pictures of the grade nine event for yearbook, which is a class I'm taking :)
Jeanine "Where I Stand"
This week's class prompt is inspired by the I AM HERE PROJECT
Every day for a year a woman took a photograph of her feet somewhere...wherever she was at the time...to document her journey through the year. You can see her cool shots at that website. This is me...on the diving board...not a place where I usually stand...but that's kinda the point of this blog project and my creative obsessions this year...to step out of my normal...to take a risk...to jump!
Jeanine "Where I Stand"
This week's class prompt is inspired by the I AM HERE PROJECT
Every day for a year a woman took a photograph of her feet somewhere...wherever she was at the time...to document her journey through the year. You can see her cool shots at that website. This is me...on the diving board...not a place where I usually stand...but that's kinda the point of this blog project and my creative obsessions this year...to step out of my normal...to take a risk...to jump!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Day 250

Emily - Second day of school, wooot... one of my favourite parts of school is sporting my new zebra backpack, it's so beautiful :)
Jeanine - "Election Called"
There is an election on in Ontario. My former law partner and now Attorney General, Chris Bentley, is running for a third term. I wasn't worried about his chances the first two times, but the current economy and barrage of attack ads against Premiere McGuinty have me concerned. Chris is an incredibly hard worker and has been a good Minister ...first as Labour Minister then Minister of Colleges and Universities and now as AG and Minister of Aboriginal Affairs. I've got my fingers and toes crossed.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Day 249

Emily - So first day of school... and the first time I get to use my beautiful new lunch bag. I got it in Stratford when I went to see Jesus Christ Superstar. I've haven't had a lunch bag for all of high school cause I always forget them, but this one is so pretty I'm gonna keep special care of it.
Jeanine - "Back to School"
The first day of school! Always a big deal - even in grade 11. This is a big year for her. It is also the first year she has a class with her BFF. She is very excited about that. I can't believe how time flies. As the tenth anniversary of 9/11 approaches I can't help think back to her being in grade 1 and my need to go to her school that day at lunch just to give her a hug. Thankfully, she still wants my hugs, but now I am starting to think about her graduating and moving on to University. Where did the time go??? Anyway...she didn't actually walk to school today. After this shot I gave her a ride! ha! Tomorrow...the bus!
Now if I could just figure out how to add a frame in Photoshop Elements...aaarrrggghhh!
PS - I'm glad the STOP sign is in this shot cuz that's what I want to say to her...STOP GROWING UP...I'm going to miss you!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Day 248
Emily - My little protege :). My friend Maddy loves my camera, she wants a DSLR for christmas and she wants me to teach her all the tricks.
"Ah Labour Day!"
After an afternoon of yard work, Ian takes a much deserved rest on the last day of summer. What a great summer it was!! Hopefully some of the heat comes back in September.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Day 247

Emily - Well this took a while to figure out how to do on photoshop :) Anyways this is my favourite collection I have, my mini monuments of the world. I wish i could say I've been to all these places but I've only been to a few most of them are from trips my moms been on that I wish to go on someday.
Jeanine - "My Happy Place"
"Where Women Create" is a magazine that highlights the gorgeous studios of artists, scrapbookers and other crafters. The pictures of their studios are inspirational and enviable. Our scrapbook/creative space in the basement has evolved over the last couple of years and it still has a long way to go...but it is one of my happy places. I have spent a lot of time this year reading books about being creative. The best tip by far - beyond JUST DO IT (they'll make more paper) - is ... START WITH A CLEAN TABLE!
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Day 246
Emily - So it was one of those days where you don't have a photo till the last minute, thanks mom for buying flowers at costco today :)
Jeanine - "Splashtime"
It has been a very hot weekend so far. Too hot almost to sit out by the pool. We ventured out this evening though so I could capture this shot for my class prompt "she's got legs". I'm not complaining about the heat mind you - it will be cool soon enough. Can't believe it is September!
Friday, September 2, 2011
Day 245
Emily - Although my new camera is amazing, I really love the look of old cameras. If we could just combine the great quality of a new camera and the look of an old camera we would have an amzazing camera! Anyways so the camera on the right is from a little used stuff store out in the middle of nowhere near my friends cottage. The cute little one on the right is my great grandpas old camera, it's over forty years old!
Jeanine "Gotta Have It"
I watched a new show on HGTV today called Consumed. The premise is that in order to de-clutter a family's home...they remove everything from the home except 10 things each member can't live without. They then live with only those things for 30 days (major appliances, beds, clothes, shoes and personal hygene items excluded. A month later they go to a warehouse where all their other belongings are stored and figure out which ones are allowed back into the house. I loved the idea of trying to live a minimalist lifestyle for 30- days. I would have to have my computer, desk, chair, Blackberry, Kindle, camera, coffee maker, hair straightener, dining room table and chairs (I count that as one thing) and a couch. I'm hoping Em would pick the TV somewhere in her 10 things, and I would really like her and Ian to bring their guitars...two of his are seen here. I love hearing them play.
I watched a new show on HGTV today called Consumed. The premise is that in order to de-clutter a family's home...they remove everything from the home except 10 things each member can't live without. They then live with only those things for 30 days (major appliances, beds, clothes, shoes and personal hygene items excluded. A month later they go to a warehouse where all their other belongings are stored and figure out which ones are allowed back into the house. I loved the idea of trying to live a minimalist lifestyle for 30- days. I would have to have my computer, desk, chair, Blackberry, Kindle, camera, coffee maker, hair straightener, dining room table and chairs (I count that as one thing) and a couch. I'm hoping Em would pick the TV somewhere in her 10 things, and I would really like her and Ian to bring their guitars...two of his are seen here. I love hearing them play.
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