Quote of the Month - December

There are two people in every photograph: the photographer and the viewer. - Ansel Adams

Friday, September 2, 2011

Day 245

Emily - Although my new camera is amazing, I really love the look of old cameras. If we could just combine the great quality of a new camera and the look of an old camera we would have an amzazing camera! Anyways so the camera on the right is from a little used stuff store out in the middle of nowhere near my friends cottage. The cute little one on the right is my great grandpas old camera, it's over forty years old!

Jeanine "Gotta Have It"

I watched a new show on HGTV today called Consumed.  The premise is that in order to de-clutter a family's home...they remove everything from the home except 10 things each member can't live without.  They then live with only those things for 30 days (major appliances, beds, clothes, shoes and personal hygene items excluded.  A month later they go to a warehouse where all their other belongings are stored and figure out which ones are allowed back into the house.  I loved the idea of trying to live a minimalist lifestyle for 30- days.  I would have to have my computer, desk, chair, Blackberry, Kindle, camera, coffee maker, hair straightener, dining room table and chairs (I count that as one thing) and a couch.  I'm hoping Em would pick the TV somewhere in her 10 things, and I would really like her and Ian to bring their guitars...two of his are seen here.  I love hearing them play.


  1. I would keep my Kindle, cell phone, home phone, computer, coffee maker, couch, fire table, hot tub, recipe book (compiled from my mum's recipes), and my piano.
    That was fun to think about actually but wouldn't be fun to live through I don't think!
