Jeanine - "Saugeen Rail Trail"
Here we are on our way back from the market with fresh strawberries and garlic in my bike basket. We rode the Saugeen Rail Trail there and part way back. They have converted the old railway line between Southampton and Port Elgin into a biking/walking/running path. It even extends all the way to McGregor Point Provincial Park. We're working up to that ride!
This is the last day of the first six months of this 365 Project! We've made it half way!!! Part of me can't believe it! The other part is very proud of US! Tomorrow morning we get to use our new DSLR's for the first time -- I CANNOT WAIT!!! Thanks for coming along the journey with us. Hopefully the pictures will get even better as we finish the year!!
Quote of the Month - December
There are two people in every photograph: the photographer and the viewer. - Ansel Adams
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Day 180
Jeanine - "Capturing the Sunset"
The day started out rainy and grey, but it turned out to be a lovely afternoon and evening. Tonight we went for a long walk on the beach, ate ice cream cones (peanut butter/chocolate and cookies and cream) and waited to capture the sunset on camera. It got much better than this...but I wanted to use this one with Ian in it. I love the sunsets on Lake Huron - especially in Southampton!
The day started out rainy and grey, but it turned out to be a lovely afternoon and evening. Tonight we went for a long walk on the beach, ate ice cream cones (peanut butter/chocolate and cookies and cream) and waited to capture the sunset on camera. It got much better than this...but I wanted to use this one with Ian in it. I love the sunsets on Lake Huron - especially in Southampton!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Day 179

Emily - Went to Toronto today to shop! Was so much fun! I always think of Toronto as a mini NYC, such as the train station, it reminds me of Grand Central Station.
Jeanine - "Garage"
Em and I spent the day in Toronto shopping for summer clothes. We always love going into the Garage store just for the change rooms. Here I caught Emily shooting the chandelier. We took the train, had a great day together and came away with quite a haul!! I took a shot of her legs under the change room door that I thought was quite cool, but she wouldn't let me post it -- she called it "creepy".
Monday, June 27, 2011
Day 178
Jeanine - "Deck To Go"
I found these Muskoka chairs on this old wagon as I drove back from Owen Sound today. I liked the juxtaposition of the modern colourful versions of this cottage staple against the weathered wood of the wagon. It was a beautiful day for a drive.
I found these Muskoka chairs on this old wagon as I drove back from Owen Sound today. I liked the juxtaposition of the modern colourful versions of this cottage staple against the weathered wood of the wagon. It was a beautiful day for a drive.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Day 177
Emily - When in doubt take pictures of flowers :) (and mom you can quote me on that )
Jeanine - "Morning Dew"
Inspired by Emily's rain bearing leaves, I sought out the dew covered flowers in our garden this morning while everyone still slept. I love that time of day. The light is gorgeous...the birds are singing...and the coffee tastes sooooooo good!
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Day 176
Emily - This is the mess us scrapbookers make :) Isn't it looveely! We were invited over to the woos house for a little scrapbook nacho party. It was quite lovely and I actually got some pages done :O
Jeanine - "Impasse"
The other day, as we drove by the Rhino statue outside Museum London, Emily said that she wanted to photograph it. I suggested we make a list of interesting things in London we ought to photograph. And she immediately thought of the colourful metal trees that were installed downtown. We haven't finished the list yet, but today's prompt was called heavy we stopped to shoot the Rhino.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Day 175
Emily - It's been raining for quite a few days now, but there was enough dry time in the day for me to get this leaf shot with the water droplets still on.
Jeanine - "My Journals"
Old and new. Journalling isn't a daily thing for me, but I do it whenever I can. It has been harder to find the time to do it - or the desire to do it - since starting this blog, but I know I will get back to it more regularly next year. In addition to regular day to day stuff...I like to keep in it great quotes I've found and great ideas I have...
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Day 174

Emily - My dad's girlfriend is getting a dog in August. The puppies were born ten days ago and only one of them had their eyes open. They were very adorable and I'm glad we get to visit them again.
Jeanine - "Crystal Clear"
These are the client chairs in my office. People are always a little leary of sitting in them...not sure if they will hold them...but they do. They're awesome!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Day 173

Emily - Before my meeting for The Grand Theatre High School Production, my mom and I went to dinner at a british pub themed restaurant. I was adventurous so I had the Ploughman's Platter. It had a lot of different things to put on bread and was really good. I wasn't brave enough to try the pickeled quail eggs though :s
Jeanine - "Thank You"
As we near the half-way point of this 365 Project, I took this photo to say thank you to all of you who tune in so faithfully to check out the blog every once in a while. We have 21 official "followers", but we know there are many others who take a peek now and again too. It's nice to know when we post the photos that someone - other than the two of us - looks at them...and even sometimes leaves a comment. Thanks to all of you.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Day 172

Emily - Last day of school... didn't do anything. Instead of work we taped my phone. Ahh the wonders of being a teenager.
Jeanine - "Tungsten Lighting"
Today's prompt was to find something ambient yellow. This is a lamp in our kitchen. I really love the shape of it.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Day 171

Emily - Really hot out today. It's supposed to be all week. Went outside for my shot today. I can't wait to jump in this pool everyday of summer.
Jeanine - "The May Queen"
My third art project (one more to go).
Still trying to figure out if this art form is for me, but I am having fun along the way. I found this postcard in an antique store recently (it says The May Queen at the bottom of the card). My birthday is in May and it is celebrated the same weekend Canada annually celebrates Queen Victoria's birthday. So I made this one for me. Not sure if it needs something more or not? a quote maybe??? I have asked for constructive criticism in my online class - so we will see...
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Day 170
Emily - Just some of the nature at Forest Cliff Camp. I love this camp so much and can't wait to spend three weeks there!
Jeanine - "Water Lilly"
The first water lilly of the season finally opened in our pond. Where is Monet when you need him? Love these flowers and his artwork.
Day 169

Emily - I was away this weekend for a CIT (Counsellor In Training) retreat for camp this summer. It was a lot of fun and I met a lot of neat people. This was the campfire we had one of the nights.
Jeanine - "Home Away From Home"
This shot was inspired by Emily's photograph of our street signs at home (posted earlier on the blog). These are the cross street signs of our summer trailer home. I love it there.
Day 168
Emily - Happy 8th Birthday Sydney! I was experimenting today by blurring the background, it kinda looks like everything's photoshopped :)
Jeanine - "Cottage Garden"
Jeanine - "Cottage Garden"
Went for a bike ride today and found this abandoned cottage with the most beautiful peonies growing in the front garden.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Day 167

Jeanine - "Roasting Marshmallows"
I took down my original picture for today and replaced it with this one of Ian at the campfire. I like it better than my "Morning Shower" shot. We saw several rainbows on our way up to the trailer some photos of those too.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Day 166

Emily - Had to dissect a frog today, I didn't really do anything lol. I really hate blood and guts and gross things (as you can see I'm not gonna be a doctor). So I did my part by opening up the mouth then stepping back and reading my yearbook.
Jeanine - "Attempting ART"
This is my second art project - focussing on horizon lines. I had fun cutting and ripping paper, gluing and painting. Made me feel like a kid again. I really like the quote - from the book Creative is a Verb by Patti Digh. My family thinks I've lost my mind! Perhaps I have...I'm ok with that. : )
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Day 165

Emily - My friend had these little flowers for a project, so in our class we were playing around with them and putting them in our and taking pictures. Much better than doing actual work.
"Making A Statement"
These lips - my lips - hang above our bed. A surprise birthday gift to my man sometime ago. Red is my statement colour. Red makes a statement every time! will create canvas art based on your DNA, fingerprint or kiss print. Very fun.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Day 164

Emily - Today I had some of my friends over for a swim. We were playing with the pool noodle and as I was cleaning them up I saw that they made a rainbow in the water.
Jeanine - "Daytimer"
I took this photo with my BlackBerry today totally by accident. While viewing my photos on my BB (I was bored waiting in court) I accidentally clicked this shot. Did it ever sound loud in silent courtroom. Ha! This is my Daytimer - month at a glance for June. I use it every day. I'm okay with it being blurry...sometimes that's how my schedule feels to me.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Day 163

Emily - This is my pond! To be honest I have nothing else to say.
(Kind of funny considering how much my mom wrote)
Jeanine - "Polka Dot Pinwheels"
I've been wanting to try and make these pinwheels for scrapbooking - and maybe to add to a summer centrepiece on the patio. When I discovered that today's prompt for my photography class was polka dots... I had my motivation.
They are pretty easy to make. Just cut paper into squares mine were 6X6 and 5X5. With a ruler, draw an X from each corner. Then cut along each line toward the centre leaving about 1/2 and inch uncut at the centre. Fold every other corner into the middle (I adhered with a glue dot). Then put a brad through the centre of the pinwheel. I just stuck a skewer up into the glue dots/paper/brad when I was finished, but you could also use a hot glue gun to adhere it to the back of each pinwheel. It's fun!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Day 162
Emily - GLEEEEE!!!! I had such a fantastic time at Glee Live! In case you didn't know Glee is one of my favourite shows (right up there with Modern Family and How I met Your Mother). Although we were really far away and didn't have the best seats it was still an amazing experience and I wouldn't have traded it for anything.
Anyways about my shot.... After the show we went out for dinner and for this weeks prompt we have to do coupling so heres my couple, Mr. Pepper and Mrs. Salt
Jeanine - "Glee Fans"
Took Em and a friend to see Glee live in Toronto today. Gotta say - it rocked! They put on a great show.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Day 161
Emily - So on a nice day back in April I had an interview with The Grand Theatre to be their photographer for their next production, footloose! Well here we are in June and I finally got a call, and guess what... I GOT IT!!!! Me and my mom were jumping up and down for about five minutes and to be honest I still can't believe it. So here's my first headshot, not so good but hopefully by the end of it I'll get better :)
Jeanine - "Creating With Colour"
My new tools. I love the clear handles with a touch of curve. I was kinda crushed to realize the bristles would never be perfect and white again.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Day 160
Emily - I've read five really amazing and great books in a row that I absolutely recommend. The Hunger Games trilogy, Divergent and Dilirium. I just started reading Dilirium and I'm already in love with it.
Ps I couldn't live without my kindle :)
Jeanine - "Blue Sage"
I love the smell of blue sage burning. We often light it in the abalone shell when we are out on the deck after work sipping wine and grilling steaks. It is one of the great smells of summer.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Day 159
Jeanine - "Fire Hydrant - Summer"
I took this same shot this winter for my on line class (January 28 but I didn't post it here on the blog) and I recreated it today for another on line photography class. I like the winter shot better. This hydrant is on our lawn at the side of the house. I'm gonna break a rule and post two photos today - until Em finds out and makes me take it down.

Emily - Before I talk about my photo I would like to shame my mother for putting two photos up on the blog as the rule is (according the to the book of blog section 3 paragraph 2 ) to only have one photo per day.
Anyways, about my photo, I find it very pointless to make the bed in the morning. Especially since we're about to use it later. So here is my messy bed that never gets made
I took this same shot this winter for my on line class (January 28 but I didn't post it here on the blog) and I recreated it today for another on line photography class. I like the winter shot better. This hydrant is on our lawn at the side of the house. I'm gonna break a rule and post two photos today - until Em finds out and makes me take it down.
Emily - Before I talk about my photo I would like to shame my mother for putting two photos up on the blog as the rule is (according the to the book of blog section 3 paragraph 2 ) to only have one photo per day.
Anyways, about my photo, I find it very pointless to make the bed in the morning. Especially since we're about to use it later. So here is my messy bed that never gets made
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Day 158
Emily - Taco night! mmm tacos :) It sort of goes with my moms prompt today, colour of yummy :)
Jeanine - "Yummy"
Oh the things I will do for my art - ha! The class prompt was "colour me yummy" - so Em and I just had to trudge off to DQ after school so I could get a shot of a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Blizzard - but I like this one of her enjoying her yummy Brownie Batter Blizzard better - try saying that 3 times fast! ha!
Monday, June 6, 2011
Day 157
Emily - Due to my moms random burst of wanting to be an artist, there are now art supplies covering our dining room table. Fortunately for me, it means I get to be creative :)
Jeanine - "Rockin it in the Country"
Saw this mailbox along a country road on my way home from Guelph this morning and just had to turn around, go back and take a few shots! Too bad my class prompt was "white on white"!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Day 156

Emily - Hello summer, hello swimming! This friend of mine is quite an athletic person and can do many spectacular things. Such as cartwheel into the pool.
Jeanine - "My Little Angel"
So - this is my first art project ever. I am inspired by my daughter who loves art. Turns out I like it too. Who knew? This is a collage...I think. Not sure the difference between that and mixed media yet. I'm taking a collage class online this month so hope to figure all that out. I just posted this in the gallery for the class so it will be interesting to see what kind of response I get...some of the participants do this kind of thing all the time. So nervous! I also prepared some small canvases (sp?) to paint ...but not sure what to paint...may stick with collage or mixed media for awhile. I'm taking a watercolour course the first week of July at the Southampton Art School. Will see where this all goes. Having fun!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Day 155
Jeanine - "Jelly Beans"

Emily - Still going with this weeks prompt. I love it quite a bit. I love the water droplets on the flower :) Thank you hose.
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