Jeanine - One month down - yippee! Only eleven more to go.
Today was the last day of my online photography class called Picture Winter. I hope to do other courses this year. The final prompt was to photograph a word - or take a photo that captures the essence of a word - that we intend to focus on this year. My word is CONNECT. I am going to use this year to connect with family and friends, to connect professionally by mentoring and teaching, and to connect with my creative side. I hope to make new connections this year too. I have created a scrapbook/journal to document the different ways I am able to connect throughout the year. This is a photo of page one.
Emily - Wow I can't believe that we've done a whole month of this blog. It seems a lot longer than that. Anyways, this photo is of the chandelier in my new room (I know it doesn't look like it). I really like this photo because it takes a second to see what it is